Wild West Soda In Oklahoma…

Wild West Soda In Oklahoma for the first time this year.

Below you will see the finished product of the “Wild West Soda In Oklahoma” being unveiled in Oklahoma this starting today (April 08 2016) and this weekend. The NEW Wild West Soda wagon will be all over the states this year, so keep your eyes peeled for a place near you where you can go visit this cool soda stand in person.

Make sure that you visit the wild west soda in Oklahoma, or somewhere that is close to you when it comes to your town. This soda wagon is the real deal and needs to be seen in person to see all of the deal and coolness that is involved.

My daughter Rachel and her husband Chad are the owners of this wild west soda wagon as well as Dream Acres LLC…also known as Higginsville Pumpkins located in Higginsville MO. Visit their website here <<.

Check it out:

Wild West Soda In Oklahoma

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